Jun 18, 2021
a car's brake system

If you need a brake repair, then you need to find your local dealership and get there ASAP. Faulty brakes should always be treated as an emergency, as the dangerous situations that broken brakes can cause are numerous. There are several signs that indicate faulty brakes in your Cadillac.

3 Signs That You Need a Brake Repair ASAP

1. Strange-Feeling Brakes

If your brakes start feeling different than usual, then it’s a sign that something’s wrong. The feeling will usually resemble what it feels like to step on a sponge, or it’ll be something else along those lines. This is often accompanied by your brakes becoming less responsive, so you have to slam on the brakes to get the Cadillac to stop as it normally would.

Your brakes can easily become fully unresponsive when you have this issue, so please get your brakes repaired as soon as possible. We recommend calling a tow truck, as we don’t feel that it’s safe to drive if your brakes are in this condition.

2. Unusual Noises

You know it’s nothing good when your vehicle starts making unusual noises. With your brakes, there are two main sounds to listen out for. The first is a ticking sound that occurs when you brake, and the other is a high-pitched metallic shrieking or grinding. The latter sound will occur at any time, and it often comes up when you’re driving. That’s a sign that you need new brake pads. However, if it occurs when you brake, then the issue is more serious.

Ticking brakes indicate several different serious issues. You’ll rarely hear this sound while you’re driving, though, so always listen carefully when you brake. You never know when one of the sounds could crop up.

3. Wobbly Vehicle or Steering Wheel

If your vehicle suddenly wobbles, then that’s a sign that you have an uneven rotor. You need to get to a dealership as soon as you can, and you may want to consider getting towed there if your vehicle is wobbling. The signs of an uneven rotor also present in a slightly less terrifying way, too. A vibrating or wobbling steering while is one sign, and your steering wheel pulling to one side after braking is another.

Where Should You Get Your Brakes Repaired?

You should always head to your local Cadillac dealer when you need repair work. Dealerships have expert technicians who know everything there is to know about Cadillacs. Other mechanics are competent, but they’re not experts on anything, so it’s best to avoid them and go to the best. You’ll find the best technicians at your local Cadillac dealership.

Dealership technicians can provide a more thorough repair that’s tailored to your vehicle’s needs. You’ll also receive superior customer service, a faster repair, and a warranty if you go to the dealer.

If your Cadillac needs a repair, then visit us at Service Cadillac. We want to keep your Cadillac running in top condition, and we want to satisfy all of your repair and service needs. Feel free to get in touch, and we’ll talk about getting you the repair that you need.