Jun 11, 2022

Transmission fluids are an essential part of your car’s smooth functioning and your overall experience on the road. Transmission fluid is essentially what lubricates the bearings and metal parts inside a car’s manual gearbox and keeps them from grinding down as they move. However, some people tend to be forgetful even when it comes to something as essential as that. Today, we’ll give you the top five benefits of getting transmission service at your Cadillac dealer.

1. Better Fuel Economy

Getting your car checked by an experienced technician regularly will always be a pro to saving your car from accumulating damage. The better service your car gets, the less strain on the parts. This also improves engine performance without any unlubricated parts causing more strain. Improved engine performance in turn consumes less oil, which saves you money and stress.

2. Better Performance

When you service your vehicle regularly, you should expect it to run at peak performance. Changing your transmission oil and keeping your car clean from the inside will help it put less stress on internal parts, use up less fuel, save more money, and keep the engine at its peak. All this is achievable just by doing a regular check-up and changing the transmission oil.

3. Better Gear Function

Routinely transmission servicing your car will be a huge improvement for gear functionality. When old and dirty transmission fluid goes through heat, it starts thickening up and eventually clogs up the transmission gears. It’s difficult to shift gears when this happens. By changing your transmission fluids, you will not have to deal with these issues.

4.  Less Wear and Tear

Transmission liquid replacements are an essential part of your car’s health. Residual and dirty liquid degrades the quality of the internal parts and can cause them to die faster than they normally would if they were serviced and lubricated well.

5. Pay Less Now, Save More Later

A mistake most people tend to make that we want to help you avoid in the first place is never servicing their cars until they start running into trouble. By that time, usually, your car’s too exhausted and the transmission is struggling. This can lead to much higher expenses than you would have to pay if you had serviced your car regularly.

6. Engine Lock-Up Aversion

This is one of the worst situations you can be in. Engine lock-up is essentially what happens when your transmission is working so hard that the engine eventually shuts down due to lack of lubrication. Internal parts grind into each other, eventually shutting down the entire engine and causing it severe damage. Making sure your car is regularly serviced will almost cure this problem before it ever happens. 
Car transmission servicing is an essential part of every vehicle owner’s bible. By regularly doing this servicing, you will save your car years of life, yourself hundreds of dollars, and overall less worry about whether you can rely on your car or not. Visit us at Service Cadillac next time you need to have your car serviced quickly and efficiently.

image via cadillac.com