Jul 22, 2022

Your Cadillac has a powerful, perfectly designed engine. To keep your engine working as efficiently and effectively as it was designed to, your car needs regular services. Even a Cadillac can require replacement parts occasionally. In Lafayette, LA, your Cadillac dealer can fix any engine problems for you.

Check Engine Light

Your check engine light is an invaluable early warning that something isn’t working as it should. The light is connected to a variety of sensors attached throughout your Cadillac that constantly watch for any signs of trouble. If any problem is detected by a sensor, the relevant sensor will inform your computer and the warning light will promptly light up.

This warning light shows there’s a problem, but it’s not immediately apparent where the problem is. We can find the cause of the problem by connecting your Cadillac’s computer to our diagnostic system. This diagnostic system will show the error codes produced by your computer. Our technicians will use these error codes to find and fix the problem.

Starting Problems

Your Cadillac engine should start almost immediately after you turn the key or press the starter button. Any starting delay suggests that there could be a problem. The three main components that can cause starting problems are the starter motor, the battery, and the alternator. Your starter motor cranks your engine when it receives an electrical charge from your battery. Your alternator is responsible for keeping your battery fully charged.

Damage to the starter motor will delay or prevent your engine from starting. A worn-out battery may not have enough power to provide the powerful charge needed for the starter motor. Finally, a damaged alternator may have difficulty recharging your battery. If your battery isn’t completely recharged by the alternator, it will grow steadily weaker. Our technicians can test all of these systems for signs of problems.

Clogged Radiator

Your Cadillac’s radiator is the heart of its cooling system. To prevent your engine from overheating, coolant is pumped through the cooling system to absorb heat. This heat is transferred to the radiator where its exchanged for cooler air flowing in through the radiator grille. The coolant, however, also absorbs dirt, rust, and other debris in its travels through your engine.

When the coolant is cooled and drawn out of the radiator to continue its cycle, the debris it accumulated is left behind. Over time, this debris can clog the radiator, the radiator hoses, and the radiator fins. A blocked radiator will cause your engine temperature to rise, and it can even overheat.

If your engine isn’t working as it should call us right away at Service Cadillac.

image via cadillac.com